Thursday, August 5, 2010

Tour Day 1--Portland, Oregon

So, with the previous night of debauchery, one would think I got that all out of my system, right? Yeah, fat chance...I woke pretty early as always and some of us went down for the free breakfast. Adam basically aborted a waffle in the waffle machine. It looked like hell, but I'm sure it tasted fine. After breakfast, some of the guys crashed again...Not me...what did I do? You guessed it...I started drinking...And did some school work...and played Mafia Wars...yes, I am a geek like that. All we had to do was wait...Wait for Hod and Gravehill to show up. We had to check out, so where did we end up? The hotel bar. The other guys are fine with that...I'm not...If I'm in a bar, I drink...and boy, did I...

Losing track of time, I got a call from Corpsie...he finally arrived. I drunkingly told him to hop the shuttle from the airport to the hotel. He made it safe and sound and without a charge (hotels have a problem with people taking their shuttles when someone is not a guest)

The rest of the day I don't remember much. Hod showed up and according to Corpsie, we were all in the bar. Apparently, I went to puke at some point (I don't remember that, but if Corpsie said it, it must have happened)

The Gravehill dudes show up. We are all out in front of the hotel organizing everything in the trailer. Ugh...We need UPS workers to make this happen. 14 guys between a 15 passenger van and a Dodge Durango seems kind of comfortable...Yeah, well, try it and get back to me...The trailer was not that big so the van had to take some extra stuff...

We get situated and head off to the club, which was only a few minutes away...

Easiest thing now is to talk about what I remember...

I was still drunk...

I was hungry...

I was drinking Pabst at this point since those were our drink ticket beers...

Tiff and Kelli showed up with a fucking feast...They made these killer meatball sandwiches for all of us...That so ruled...Or as Matt Harvey would say, "That was rad!"

We hung with the Fatalist dudes...They were playing the first three dates of the tour...I hadn't seen Neil or Art since Murderfest in 2008, so it was great to hang with them again, as well as meeting the rest of the guys...

Ok, the rest is really fuzzy now...Fatalist played...Then Ritual Necromancy played...I ran into Jason from Splatterhouse...

The rest of the night was somewhat of a blank for me...We played...Well, I should say, the rest of Cardiac played...I sat their and blew a goat. I was so fucking drunk, my hands were not doing what they should have been doing with the guitar. I made the best out of it, and my bandmates ruled because they did not fuck with me...I did the old Cronos trick (yeah, I know I don't play bass) and did my best that I could, with a whole lot of slides!!!

Like I said, everything at this point was a blur. I don't remember a thing about Hod or Gravehill...Did we play before Hod? I honestly don't remember...

I do remember the end of the night...Drunkingly assisting Dennis from Hod and Thorgrimm loading the trailer...Tripping over stuff. I got confused at one point and next think I know, Jim Rainbowsherbertherder is hollering at me about spliting out. I believe at that point, I quit the tour, yelled I'm fucking going home, and threw my cord bag at his flat top...I was a fucking mess!!

I ended up with the Hod guys and Matt...We went to Jason from Splatterhouse's place...seemed like a weird vibe though, so we took off to find a hotel...The last thing I remember was making Beer (Hod) stop at a gas station do I could get cigs...

The next morning, I woke up in the van (Dennis was there too) in a parking garage and had no idea where I was at...I think I was still drunk...Eventually, I found their room and was lucky enough to get a shower...

And off to San Francisco we would go...or would we??


Anonymous said...

Oh yeah! Now I remember you flipping out that night! In between Thorgrimm yelling and you and Jim arguing, the first night in Portland was really pleasant! Hahahaha!

Grindhead Jim Deabenderfer said...

Yeah, you were flipping over sleeping arrangements (i.e., "NO ONE ever tells me ANYTHING"), despite the fact that we were trying to figure shit out. It was classic Kniznerization. You did throw your bag at me and storm off... I gently placed your bag in the trailer, chuckled to myself, and opted to go in the GH van with Corpsie.

Cardiac Tom said...

Heh heh...Fun times!