Monday, December 3, 2007

Updates And More Bad Luck For Yours Truely...

Well, December rolls in again with more shittiness for myself...More on that later...I'll talk about the good stuff first...

Cardiac had our first practice since the recording process started. All went well, although Jim seemed too charged up and played a bit too fast...But at any rate, if felt like we never missed a beat...We got through all the new material as well as a few older tunes...

I should be getting a burned copy of Cadaverous Presence today. Jim and Kai worked on the mix over the weekend. Basically, we will all listen to this CD and take notes on if anything sounds out of whack...So basically, almost ready for mastering...

I was supposed to start mixing the Severed songs yesterday (Sun)...however, not to be. I got in an accident Downtown Chicago on the way to pick up Vinny (bass) My truck was pretty trashed...Gonna get it driveable first...I'll worry about the caved in door later...Here are the pics of the damage...

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Yay for me, eh?? It seems like every year in December, something happens to the poor Tahoe...Last year, the fuel pump went...the year before that, the transmission went...And I remember my windshield cracking in December before that...Onward and upward though...

Next blog will have some better stuff...there are a couple of bands I want to talk about and recommend as well as a possible rant in regards to the so called "scene"

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